Our Services

Services Provided

• To provide a medium to high level of social support depending on individual client’s need

• General monitoring of individual adherence to agreed support plan, medication compliance, and ensuring individual tenant attend their therapeutic sessions and out- patient appointment.

• Liaison with relevant care professionals and other agencies.

• Providing input to periodic reviews under the care programme approach.

• Maintaining individual daily records, which will be made available to the client, appropriate care professionals or family

• To assist in developing independent living skills such as budgeting, cooking, shopping etc.

• Support, liaise and provide information in relation to employment, training and education for tenants.

• Counselling and emotional support.

• Advice and promote advocacy.

Needs Assessment Process

On admission / acceptance to the service, the tenants will have an assessment of needs carried out by the allocated Team leader / community support worker.
The process will have SIX key stages;

In order to identify the needs of the service user, staff will work using a person centred approach and consult the service user with regards to their needs and respect their views and choices. Staffs will also liaise with all other professionals involved in order to gain as much information as possible about the individual.
Following the consultation, the allocated worker will clearly identify what are the training and support needs of the individual client and how these needs will be met. This will also help to establish what level of independence the individual has and what areas need to be developed. At this stage, staff will be able to get an indication as to what areas of daily support will require more input than others.
The allocated worker will then complete a Support Plan, Risk Assessment, Health Action Plan and these would be completed with the service user, using a Person Centred Approach. An Advocate, care coordinator or interpreter can be arranged to assist in putting views of the service user forward if necessary. Once completed, this would then need to be sent to all necessary parties allowing time for them to make any amendment. Final copies would then need to be given to the service user for them to read, sign and keep.
Once the support plan and all relevant assessment are completed, all staff working with the service user will follow the support plan and record all support / training provided along with the outcome of each support session. This will form the basis of assessing the progress and development of the individual with their daily living.
The allocated Support worker will have the role of monitoring their service user’s development while in our service. They will also meet regularly with the service user to identify any areas of the support plan, which are not being met and amend where required.
Having completed Support Plan, Risk Assessment and Health Action Plan a review timetable will be agreed and completed with service user’s consultation. A copy of this will also be given to the service user. Review dates of the above will normally be made on three or six monthly.